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Authentication in JioMeet

We understand the importance of secure and seamless authentication processes to ensure a safe environment for your video calling experience.

General Security Recommendations

Here are some essential security recommendations for JSON Web Tokens (JWT), which apply to both One Step and Two Step Authentication, offered by Jiomeet:

  • Keep Secrets Secure: Treat your authentication secrets, private keys, and tokens with the utmost care. Store them in a secure environment, and never expose them publicly.

  • Use Short-Lived Tokens: Create short-lived tokens that expire quickly. This practice reduces the window of opportunity for potential misuse.

  • Token Validation: Always validate incoming tokens on your server before processing any requests. Ensure the token's integrity and origin.

  • HTTPS Usage: Employ HTTPS for all API calls to prevent eavesdropping and unauthorized access.

  • Regular Updates: Keep your authentication libraries, frameworks, and dependencies up to date to leverage the latest security enhancements.

One-Step Authentication with HS256 JWT for JioMeet API Access

One Step Authentication is a simple and effective method for securing your JioMeet interactions.


Before proceeding, ensure you have the following:

  • A secret from the JioMeet platform.
  • Get the app id for your app from the app section

Note: The secrets are only available to download once you generate the app. Once you redirect from the screen, JioMeet does not show the secret for security. Ensure you download the secret and store it in a safe location.

Here's how it works:

  • During app creation in the "Apps" section, a secret is generated for your app.
  • To authenticate, create a JSON Web Token (JWT) signed using the secret you get after creating the room from JioMeet Platform. Use the HMAC SHA-256 (HS256) algorithm to sign the token.
  • Utilize the generated JWT to make API calls to JioMeet, by authenticating your identity.
  • For enhanced security, store the JWT in your backend and generate short-lived tokens.

JWT Generation Process

  1. Prepare Your Payload:

    • Your payload should include an "app" field with your JioMeet app ID.
  2. Sign the Token:

    • Use the HS256 algorithm to sign the token.

Sample JavaScript Code

const jwt = require('jsonwebtoken');

// Replace with your actual JioMeet app ID and secret key.
const appID = 'your-app-id';
const secretKey = 'your-secret-key';

// Prepare the payload.
const payload = {
app: appID,
// Add other claims as needed.

// Sign the token.
const token = jwt.sign(payload, secretKey, { algorithm: 'HS256' });

console.log('Generated JWT:', token);

Two-Step Authentication with RS256 JWT for JioMeet API Access

To enhance security when accessing the JioMeet APIs, a two-step authentication process can be employed using a private-public key model with the RS256 algorithm. This guide outlines the steps to create a JWT for two-step authentication.

Two Step Authentication offers an additional layer of security by employing public and private keys:

  • When you create an app, JioMeet generates a private key and a corresponding public key. You need to store these keys safely on your side for later use.
  • To authenticate, sign the token using the private key with the RS256 algorithm.
  • JioMeet's server verifies the token's authenticity using the public key.
  • Similar to One Step Authentication, consider storing the token in your backend and using short-lived tokens.

Note: The private and public keys are only available to download once you generate the app. Once you redirect from the screen, JioMeet does not show the keys for security. Ensure you download the keys and store them in a safe location.


Before proceeding, ensure you have the following:

  • A private key and corresponding public key pair.
  • Get the app id for your app from the app section

Step 1: Prepare Your Payload

  • Your payload should include an "app" field with your JioMeet app ID.
  • Additional claims can be included as needed.

Step 2: Sign the Token

  • Use the RS256 algorithm to sign the token using your private key.

Sample JavaScript Code

const fs = require('fs');
const jwt = require('jsonwebtoken');

// Replace with your actual JioMeet app ID.
const appID = 'your-app-id';

// Load your private key.
const privateKey = fs.readFileSync('path/to/your/private/key.pem');

// Prepare the payload.
const payload = {
app: appID,
// Add other claims as needed.

// Sign the token with RS256.
const token = jwt.sign(payload, privateKey, { algorithm: 'RS256' });

console.log('Generated JWT:', token);


By implementing either One Step or Two Step Authentication, you'll ensure that your JioMeet experience remains secure and enjoyable. Remember, safeguarding your tokens and keys is key to maintaining a safe video calling environment. If you have any questions or need further assistance, feel free to explore our comprehensive documentation or reach out to our dedicated support team.

Secure your JioMeet experience today and connect with confidence!