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Version: legacy

UI integrate_with_android_and_ios

  1. Bottom Panel: During initialization of the Fragment, if you want to draw your own UI and hide the default UI given by the JioMeet SDK, then please pass JioMeetSdkManager.SHOW_BOTTOM_PANEL_ICONS as “false”. This will hide the SDK UI, presenting only self view and remote view. By default this parameter is set as “true”.

  2. Microphone options : To handle the behaviour of mute and unmute of mic, use API micMuteUnmute(String guestName, Boolean isMicMute). guestName : Name of the guest performing action. isMicMute : Set the boolean value to true or false, whether it has to be muted or unmuted.

  3. Audio-only mode : To set the call in audio-only mode: use the APIs switchToAudioOnlyMode() to start the audio- only mode, and to switch off audio-only mode use API switchOffAudioOnlyMode(). If the audio- only mode feature has to be hidden from the options, set JioMeetSdkManager.SHOW_AUDIO_ONLY_MODE to “false” during initialization of the Fragment. By default, it is set to “true”.

  4. Speaker options : To handle the behaviour of the speaker i.e., to mute and unmute the speaker, use the API setSpeakerState(Boolean turnOffSpeaker). turOffSpeaker : Set the boolean value to true or false to handle the state of the speaker.

  5. Mute self view: To mute self view use API muteSelfView(Boolean muteSelf). muteSelf : By passing the value as “true”, API hides the self view of the guest.

  6. Stop Video : To stop the video use API stopVideo(String guestName). guestName : Name of the guest performing action.

  7. Start Video : To start the video use API startVideo(Boolean isSelfMuteCamera, String guestName). isSelfMuteCamera : Pass the boolean whether the guest has chosen to hide self view in call or not. guestName : Name of the guest performing action.

  8. Switch camera : To switch camera between front and rear use API switchCamera().

  9. End call : To end the ongoing call use API endVideoCall(Activity activity).

  10. Participant Icon : During initialization of the Fragment, to enable the participant icon: if JioMeetSdkManager.SHOW_PARTICIPANT_ICON is passed as “true” it enables the participant icon in the bottom panel and callback is received on click of the same.

  11. Participant List : During initialization of the Fragment, if participant icon is enabled and participant list has to be populated by the SDK: JioMeetSdkManager.SHOW_PARTICIPANT_LIST should be passed as “true”.

  12. Host Controls : During initialization of fragment, to enable host controls, JioMeetSdkManager.HOST_TOKEN has to be passed (received in response of provision/room API). Once SDK receives a host token, host rights are enabled for that user. With host rights enabled, the user can Force mute, Mute all, control Audio/Video, Lower hands of other participants in call.

  13. Raise Hand : This feature is dependent on the participant list and if the default participant list is enabled then the raise hand feature will be visible in bottom controls. If raise hand is not required inside the call, during initialization of fragment, pass key JioMeetSdkManager.SHOW_HAND_RAISE as “false”.

  14. Screen Share : During initialization of the Fragment, to enable screen share feature, please pass the JioMeetSdkManager.SHOW_SCREEN_SHARE as “true” and implement `JioMeetScreenShareListener. On registration of the listener, following functions are overridden, OnShareScreen : This is a callback when Screen share is clicked. OnShareScreenSuccess : This is a callback after a successful screen share.

  15. Override Video Frames : Implement JioMeetFrameListener to overrise two functions - localFrame and remoteFrame.

    • localFrame(videoFrame : VideoFrame) : The videoFrame is returned in I420 format.
    • remoteFrame(videoFrame: VideoFrame, participant: Participant) : The videoFrame returned is in I420 format. Also, participant details are returned who have joined the call.
    • feedCameraFrames(byteArray: ByteArray, width:Int, height: Int): Api is used to feed frames from the Client Application.