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Version: legacy

Create Meeting Room

JioMeet provides suites of REST APIs to enable you to create Meeting Rooms through:

  1. Server-Authorized APIs - Authorizing server-side application to automate meeting creation and management
    a. Use Provision User API to provision meeting room host
    b. Use Provision Room API (with response from Provision User API as a parameter) to provision meeting room ID
  2. User-Authorized APIs - Authorizing end-users via OAuth2.0 protocol to schedule and manage meetings
    a. OAuth2.0 protocol is used to sign-in to JioMeet End-user who is initiating the meeting authorizes JioMeet APIs using OAuth2.0 protocol
    b. JioMeet Schedule Meeting API is used to schedule/ create the meeting room

Server Authorized APIs

You can use our server authorized APIs to create meetings automatically in response to a user action. For example, when a doctor wants to schedule a consultation with patient, you can use server authorized APIs to schedule the meeting as part of your Schedule Appointment module.

We deliver API keys that are used to authorize our meeting creation APIs. The full set of offerings in these APIs is limited. To get your App credentials, reach out to the JioMeet team.

Using Server Authorized APIs

  1. App Id and Secret are shared on account creation
  2. Use the Provision User API to create User ID.
  3. Use the Provision Room API to create Meeting Room.

User Authorized APIs

You can use our User Authorized APIs when end-users are expected to perform wider meeting management functions - for example college administrators creating series of classrooms to support virtual classrooms.

These APIs use OAuth 2.0 Protocol to sign-in users to JioMeet and to use JioMeet's meeting scheduling APIs

Using User Authorized APIs

  1. App Id and secret are shared
  2. End user initiates sign-in to JioMeet when inside your web/ mobile application
  3. On signing in to JioMeet, user is issued a temptoken (on redirect URI). The temptoken is used to request JWT token via another API call
  4. The JWT token is used to authorize meeting creation APIs